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CONI-MIUR: Joint press release


"More motor education for children of primary school and a strong relaunch of student sport comeptitions; because our Italy of champions starts also from school desks, and sport is good for education. A team play among the Ministries of Education, University and Research and Coni is starting again, in view of the renewal of the Agreement Protocol between the two institutions.

This morning Minister Stefania Giannini has met President Giovanni Malagò. In the year of the launch of sport lyceum, Giannini and Malagò reinforce the Miur-Coni collaboration in order to try to give physical activities back its deserved importance in the education of the youngest generations. The main objectives include to extend motor education in primary school to all institutes also through the use of European funds. More visibility must be given to Student Championships, representing the first important approach to sport competitions for many boys and girls.

"Sport healthy values must become one of the pillars of education of our students since very young -, underlines Minister Giannini - because of this, we must ensure that motor education is not addressed only to a few lucky ones, included in dedicated projects, but a right for all our children. We will work swiftly with Coni on a plan that goes along these lines and that will also search for strengthening the Students Championships. The world of school has been asking since a long time answers in this field. Teachers are waiting for answers, but most of all our students and their parents. In many areas of Italy, in fact, school represents the only point of reference for many families.  Offering access to sport to these children can be crucial in their education, both in terms of physical health and moral values".

Malagò has added: "As I have always said, the one for school is the main battle of sport politics. I thank Minister Giannini, who entered office just a few days ago, has already shown to have knowledge about this theme and about the social importance of sport for the education and growth of our youth".​​

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