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CONI raises the #WhiteCard. Azzurri support the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace


Italia Team support the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace (IDSDP). 

Once again this year CONI, led by President Giovanni Malagò, joined the global digital campaign #WhiteCard, created by Peace and Sport to promote the positive values of sport. Established by the UN General Assembly in 2013 and now running for a decade, the event is held every year on 6 April – the day on which the opening ceremony of the first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1896. The Day reminds the world of the importance of sport in dialogue between peoples, in social inclusion and its role in promoting peace.

garozzowcard2dWith the motto “10 anni uniti con la #WhiteCard” (10 years united with the #WhiteCard), the Azzurri of Italia Team, as well as athletes from all over the world, International Federations, Olympic Committees and numerous international organisations took part in the campaign, testimony to the recognition of sport as an instrument for peace, and a pre-requisite to building more inclusive societies.

palmisanowcardd2To hold a #WhiteCard, just like a referee, is indeed to display a symbol of peace and, unlike a red card, which represents the most serious offence in sport, the #WhiteCard is a gesture of inclusion and equality.
