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The Trofeo CONI 2022 ends with Lazio triumphing in Valdichiana Senese


Lazio has won the Trofeo CONI 2022. The most important Italian multidisciplinary event dedicated to Under-14s, taking place again after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic and hosted this year by Valdichiana Senese, saw the Regional Committee led by President Riccardo Viola outclass (with 112 points) the other 23 regional teams present (including those of the Italian communities of Canada and Switzerland), on a podium flanked by runners-up Lombardy (108 points) and Veneto in third (107).

The winner of the seventh edition of the Trophy was proclaimed by the President of the Organising Committee and CONI Tuscany, Simone Cardullo, and the head of CONI Territory and Promotion, Cecilia D’Angelo, during the closing ceremony held this afternoon at the Parco Acqua Santa in Chianciano Terme.Top of the event’s roll of honour was Lazio, winners in the first edition in 2014, thus drawing level at the top with Piedmont (2015, 2018) and Veneto (2016, 2019), both two-time edition winners. Lombardy (2017), meanwhile, remains on one.

As mentioned, the Lazio Committee regional team claimed the win, but celebrating were all the 3,100-plus athletes in the 10-14 years age group, together with an entourage of over 800 technical staff and companions who travelled to Tuscany to compete in the 41 disciplines of the 35 National Sports Federations and 6 Associated Sports Disciplines. “I wish to thank all the municipalities that have allowed us to organise this event in this splendid location”, stated Cardullo. “Tonight we have all the young people present and that’s the most important thing. I would like to thank the CONI President, Giovanni Malagò, for having chosen us to host the event. I hope you are able to live your dreams and grow in a humane, healthy way”.

“As a municipality we have put our faith in sport. The idea of hosting this Trophy dates back to 2018, but the pandemic set us back,” highlighted Andrea Marchetti, the mayor of Chianciano Terme, a location which had also hosted the opening ceremony. “But I have to say that a day such as this, with this show and these young people, will remain in my heart.” Speaking on behalf of CONI Nazionale, was the director of the Department of Territory and Promotion, D’Angelo: “It was tricky to organise, but I must say, successfully done. First of all, I wish to thank all the regional presidents who gave the young people the right push. I would like to thank all the National Sports Federations and Associated Sports Disciplines who oversaw the competitions and, above all, I would like to thank the boys and girls, as well as the coaches who guided you towards winning some medals, but, more importantly, towards having some fun. This is CONI working locally.”

This brings to a close a three-day sports event that for the first time has taken place over a widespread local area such as the one overseen by the Union of Municipalities of the Valdichiana Senese, the event’s institutional partners, along with the Region of Tuscany. The 2022 edition – whose ambassador has been foil champion Alice Volpi – is also the first to be broadcast live on two channels of Italia Team TV, CONI’s OTT platform.  As the cauldron goes out, fireworks light up the sky of the spa town amid the celebrations of the young athletes, with thoughts already turning to December, when Trentino is set to host the event’s first winter edition: a double version of the CONI Trophy, a bit like a future Olympic Games, allowing even more young people to live their dream.

(Photo Luca Pagliaricci and Roberto Di Tondo - CONI)

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