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77% of Italians favorable to Rome’s bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games according to Ipsos Research

renzi1The Rome 2024 bid Committee publishes the results of an opinion poll relating to the possibility of hosting international events in Italy, with a specific focus on Rome’s bid to host the XXXIII edition of the Summer Olympics.


The 2.200 interviews conducted by polling firm IPSOS revealed that 3/4 of Italians are in favor of hosting large events in the country- also drawing from recent successful events like the 2006 Olympics and EXPO 2015 -, while 77% (between Romans (66%) and  Province residents (76%) )  have expressed support for Rome's Bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games, with the Paralympic Games emerging as a major sport event known to about 60% of the interviewed population.


The consensus stems from the perceived opportunity that the Games represent in triggering  employment, as well as in promoting a positive image of the country at the international level; while at the same time fostering the City’s infrastructural development and delivery of services to its residents.


Rome’s Bid is also strengthened by the trust of the many who believe in the good and transparent management of the event. Overall, the idea of hosting the Games found full support in the population which identifies the event as an incredible opportunity for the country.

View the complete Ipsos research




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