"Save the Dream", new collaboration with Stefano Borgonovo Foundation


MalagoBorg cr crStefano Borgonovo Foundation has partnered with Save the Dream to strengthen the message of sport as a vehicle of growth, education and values among new generations. Stefano Borgonovo has always pursued the objective of conveying to young players the positive values of sport, by promoting inclusion, integration and cultural exchange.

The collaboration between the Foundation and Save the Dream was launched today in Rome as part of the press conference related to the third edition of the 'Save the Dream Week', initiative of ICSS (International Centre for Sport Security) to raise funds for the volunteer international program "CSI for the world". Chantal Borgonovo was there and said: "Stefano started to play football on parish fields. I'm honored to be here to introduce the collaboration between Save the Dream and Stefano Borgonovo Foundation aimed at raising funds on research against ALS and promoting sport activities among young people with the best educational values".