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Comments from Fill, Paris, Innerhofer, Heel after their third downhill training runs

Fill.2Comments from Peter Fill, Dominik Paris, Christof Innerhofer, Werner Heel, after their third downhill training runs on Saturday.

Peter FILL
On his performance in training: "The course is pretty much like yesterday. It is very technical, very difficult. You need to get fast and remain fast. There are big jumps". On his expectactions: "I did not go to the opening ceremony because I was keen to save my energy. I am not an underdog. There is the possibility I can finish on the podium."

Dominik PARIS
On his performance in training: "Today was better than yesterday. I was little bit slower because the snow was wet."

On his performance in training: "Today was good. I was very fast on top, then I got tired and I quit. The course is very nice. I am having a good time." On his conditision "I have problems with my back, nothing new. That's why I preferred to rest and I did not go the opening cerimony".

Werner HEEL
On his performance "Obviously, when the race comes closer everybody tries to be faste. I was expecting some small difficulties. Today was more difficult than yesterday as the jumps are long and big. The course was exactly like yesterday but with more visibility."